Monday, September 8, 2008

Don't cross the Corniche

Studying abroad, unlike studying in the states, comes with some rules that should never be broken. I am happy to say that my program in Egypt does not have a long litany of rules to keep but there are a couple crucial ones. The most important of these Please-do-not-Break-Me rules is "Do not cross the Corniche."

Those of you picturing Chuck Norris, the Corniche is not a person or the Egyptian Mafia. The Corniche is the main road/highway in Alexandria. Alexandria is spread out along a stretch of the Mediterranean Sea coast and the Corniche is the eight lane highway (four lanes on each side with a median) that runs between the sea and the city. The fastest traffic, and often the worst driving, can be found on the Corniche. Guaranteed safe passage across the Corniche can be found in underground tunnels that cross under the road at regular intervals.

Last night my friends and I saw a micro bus hit a man trying to cross the Corniche. The windshield of the micro shattered and the man tumbled for 10 yards along the pavement before coming to a rest. He was conscious but noticeably injured, bleeding from his forehead and lying awkwardly on the curb. Traffic on the Corniche slowed immediately as other micros and taxis stopped to help the man. Fortunately, an ambulance was near by as well and arrived to the scene quickly. I do not know the extend of his injuries.

Do not cross the Corniche.

Because I think we all need it, and because my sister asked for it: a picture of kittens.

Aren't dey cute?

Safety first, second, and third


Mark L said...

Glad to know you are being safe. Picture of swim at night was really cool. Sounds like you are having a great time. Check out NBC and Saturday night live skit if you want something to share with your cafe buddies.

dvdprkr said...

i saw a little kid get hit on the road here in siberia. i think he escaped with cuts and bruises.

the rule in russia is: cars speed up when you cross the road. but i bet egypt is worse, because it is farther than asia.

all those people who are in france right now are jealous of us, i bet.