Friday, September 12, 2008

Uphill in the snow both ways

Tonight I was treated to a cup of tea and the company of some elderly Egyptian men sitting and talking outside restaurant. It was a lot of fun. A couple of things:

I enjoy the cafe culture of Alexandria. Every evening you can expect the cafes and restaurants along the Corniche to be packed with Egyptians just sitting and talking. No hurry or rush. America should look into importing this relaxed approach to an evening.

This evening, we talked about, surprise, surprise, American politics and the upcoming presidential election. As one who favors Obama, I am surprised at how little is known about him and his positions here. I suppose not much is known about McCain either but I seem to always receive skeptical looks when I tell Egyptians I support Obama.

One of the men expressed a surprising point of view. I would not have believed it, or understood him for that matter, unless I had first read about it here:

Tonight was the first time I heard that expressed by an Egyptian. A point I do hear often, thankfully, is that although Egyptians strongly dislike the American government and its current policies, they like American people. Politically, however, America has some work to do and an image to rebuild in the region.

They must have liked me because they invited me back. I'm am quite honored. I heard rumors that tomorrow there will be konafa (heaven held together by honey).

The Egyptian medical students on my hallway have the first of several big exams tomorrow. Stress knows no bounds.

Mickey Mouse, Latin, and is that Elton John I hear?

1 comment:

Sara said...


I have tagged you in a meme called Morning Viewing. Check out mine here..

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