Sunday, August 3, 2008

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Hey everyone,

I want to begin this blog with a confession. I realize we just met but I think we can handle it.

I do not care much for the word "blog" (or any derivations, i.e. blogging). There. I said it. No taking it back. "Blog" sounds like what happens when your meal disagrees with you. I can not help it.

Therefore, this is my ____________ (public journal, diary?, captain's log) for my time serving and studying in Egypt. During the month of August (from the 9th to the 19th) I will be volunteering with a group from my church at a sports camp outside of Cairo teaching baseball. It should be amazing. A typical day's schedule reads as follows: Wake up at 8 AM, play with kids all day, bed time around 11 PM. Brilliant. After sports camp, I will move to Alexandria, Egypt where I will be studying Arabic at Alexandria University for the fall semester (from Aug. 24 to Dec. 8th).

Needless to say, I am super excited. I am shocked, though, at how quickly my departure date (this Wed., Aug. 6th) arrived. To where did the summer fly? I sure hope time passes extra slow in Egypt. First of all, that would mean more opportunities to practice Arabic. Always a good thing. Secondly, that would give me a chance to grow a full, manly beard. I can dream, can't I? It could totally happen too. I think all my beard needs is some positive reinforcement and encouragement.

I will do my best to update this (whatever we're calling it. Thoughts? I personally liked captain's log) often and include pictures when I can.

To Egypt, dreaming, and fully developed facial hair follicles


AW said...

oh em gee first comment! i win.

Anonymous said...

ohhhh you would grow a beard =P

Anonymous said...

oh bluebellechica = lauren redfield btw.