Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's 10 PM

Do you know where your American ambassador to Egypt is?

Well, chances are they are mounting the top rope preparing for a devastating moonsault on their dazed, weary, and unnaturally sweaty opponent to the satisfaction of a wildly screaming crowd. Oh, did I forget to mention that all of our ambassadors to Egypt have muscles on top of muscles that normal humans do not have, can tear phone book with their ears, and prefer to wear unnecessarily small, rhinestone covered spandex?

The WWE, World Wrestling Entertainment, is the America Egyptians choose to watch on TV. Not Opera (well her sometimes but she's drawing viewers in Saudi Arabia instead), the Discovery Channel (and cute animals!), or Bush. Who can blame them? The cultural spectacle of huge, sweaty men brutally yet acrobatically assaulting each other must be irresistible. And it's real.

I tried to convince an Egyptian friend of mine that professional wrestling is not that popular in America. He replied, "But the stadiums are always packed." As much as I do not like to admit it, he's right. Oh my goodness. Americans like this stuff too?

Who cares what politicians have to say? Speeches are deathly boring compared to a seated three quarter face-lock jawbreaker rebuttal after being thrown from the ring and breaking your fall on a stack of office tables.

The America concerned with rebuilding its image abroad has found a strong opponent that has already captured the imagination of Egyptians: the real America.

Vertical suplex stunner, the twist of fate, and why can't we be like Canada and export hockey, not wrestling?

The moonsault:


Allie said...

That's funny that wrestling is such a big deal! I haven't seen that yet here (although I think someone asked me about it once) but we do have an american "ambassador" that is almost as ugly: MTV. Ick. Everything that is cheap and shallow about american culture, broadcast straight to chilean homes. But I hope that other than the wrestling, everything is going well!

jballen said...

"Why can't we be more like Canada"- I'm very disappointed in you, Matthew.